Industrial Regeneration Project

The first and founding project of the Center for Urban Industry (CUI) is a collaboration with the City of Trenton (CoT) to research, conceptualize, and identify methods for revitalizing priority industrial buildings for new industries compatible with mixed uses to increase accessible, high-wage private employment opportunities to help with new jobs in the community. 

The project team includes Nina Rappaport of Vertical Urban Factory (VUF) and Kean University’s School of Public Architecture (SPA), Alex Rivera of Kean University’s John S.Watson Institute for Urban Policy and Research (Watson Institute), and Kean University alums Alex Lange and Elise Dusenshine.

The City of Trenton’s Division of Planning and Economic Development conducted outreach to CUI and worked collaboratively with us for specific goals to analyze current and historic zoning and evaluate potential industrial sites for regeneration.

Focusing on Trenton as its first city of investigation and inspiration three main phases have been completed:

Sandborn Map of Franz Hill’s Brewery on N. Olden Ave, 1908, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Phase 1: Research

• Researched the history of industrial sites and redevelopment plans with a focus on environmental issues, infrastructure, existing conditions, logistics, and access. Additional research in areas of industrial employment data and job training programs were studied for residents to develop new industrial skills.

• Researched case studies in other cities for relevant mixed-use/ hybrid industrial development projects, and collected best practices for sustainable manufacturing jobs and buildings.

• Selected publicly and privately owned sites for further in depth investigation to encourage property developers to engage in the city.

Phase 2: Documentation & Analysis

• Documentation and analysis of existing studies and site conditions, including recommendations relating to past zoning studies and redevelopment area proposals to make them current and related to modern industrial uses.

• Developed a needs assessment analysis from base research such as site materials, past RFPs, planning studies, digital base maps, and other related studies.

• Analyzed ways to advertise and market city-owned industrial parcels, focusing on a city’s infrastructural assets and incentives.

Phase 3: Development & Proposals

• Proposed general concepts to develop sites, considered configuration on the site and other pre-development work including outreach to private building owners. 

• Created general design concepts for potential redevelopment with drawings, photographs, and advice on a temporary land and building uses.

• Provided a directory of federal and state assistance programs relevant to industrial development, and maintain business involvement with governmental assistance programs. 

This work culminated in Industrial Developers Day.


Pedestrian bridge at Crescent Wire Co., photograph by Steve Mervish, Trentonian, 1984

636 East State Street, today, former Trenton Technical Institute.

Photomural on N. Clinton Avenue, designed by Bentrice Jusu, installed 2019 by East Trenton Collaborative

Bound Brook

The CUI will be working with the Bound Brook, New Jersey, business association to renovate a small community-based pocket park on their main street. The team will do community-engagement through meetings and on-site temporary installations to jointly design a flexible outdoor community space.


This fall the CUI will be participating in industrial revitalization method discussions with the City of Paterson Economic Development with a kick-off tour in mid-September.

Map of Paterson, N.J. showing industries in 1880, courtesy the Newark Public Library

Do you know that the food manufacturing industry has added nearly 4,000 jobs over the past five years?

NJMEP State of New Jersey Manufacturing Industry Report 2024